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Dr. Alison Wakeham, Strategic Programme Lead

Alison joined GADx in 2017 and leads the company’s Veterinary, Food Security and Environment department.

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Dr. Alison Wakeham has over 25 years’ experience in academia and industry developing front line immunological and molecular lateral flow technology.  Working internationally, she has a deep understanding of industry needs and markets, enabling the successful development of diagnostic tools which empower end-users to make informed decisions on the ground.


As an invited keynote speaker, Alison has spoken to the pig industry on the future of cutting edge technology to safeguard pig health. For crop health, on the diagnostic revolution which will inform and drive the growers tool box. She recently published a review paper considering diagnostic assay technologies in the context of commercial agricultural production.

Alison has over the years written and co-written numerous industry leading research papers concerning diagnostics in the agri-tech sector. These include the following:


For more information about the Global Access Diagnostics (GADx) team please click on this link.


For more information about GADx's Agri-alert and Botrytis Alert, please reach feel free to contact Alison and her team.

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